Do you want to know where your company stands in terms of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and have hard figures to support it?

Diversity Works is a specialised platform that helps organisations develop and improve their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives and strategies. It offers comprehensive diversity analysis and a unique industry benchmark, with peers and across industries. Companies also gain access to industry trends in the area of DE&I policies. This enables companies to assess their current position, measure progress and link DE&I initiatives to realistic targets in order to achieve sustainable change.

A range of services and packages allows organisations to choose the right analyses for them. Careful data collection, plausibility checks and analysis, as well as advice from the CCDI team of experts, enable organisations to make informed and evidence-based decisions. This makes the platform an indispensable tool for organisations seeking to objectively measure and continuously improve their DE&I efforts.

Diversity Works Packages

Our Diversity Works packages offer practical solutions for analysing diversity and talent movement in your organisation. You can choose from three packages: Compact for an overview of the DE&I situation including developments over the last few years, Essential for additional advice and sharing with other companies, or Deep-dive to add internal benchmarking or an equal pay analysis. Find the package that is right for you to make informed decisions and promote diversity in your organisation.


HSG Diversity Benchmarking

Our HSG Diversity Benchmarking offerings provide comprehensive insight into the diversity of your workforce and talent movement within your organisation. Basic Access gives you a quick overview of key diversity metrics, which is ideal for smaller organisations. Pro Access provides in-depth analysis with interactive dashboards and a comprehensive metrics library to help you target your DE&I initiatives and measure progress over time. Both offerings allow you to benchmark your results against industry averages and visualise your commitment to DE&I.

Additional offers

Our Diversity Trend Analysis shows the development of diversity in your organisation over a number of years. You can measure progress, evaluate the impact of DE&I initiatives and identify key trends to make targeted improvements.

Internal organisational benchmarking allows you to compare different business units. This helps you to identify strengths and areas for action and to develop tailored actions that meet the specific needs of your organisational units.

Find out more in our videos!

Watch our videos and learn how Diversity Works features can help you manage diversity more effectively. Click here now!

Our partners

Working with a wide range of associations and companies increases the relevance and impact of Diversity Works. The Federal Office for Gender Equality supports the HSG Diversity Benchmarking with financial assistance in accordance with the Gender Equality Act.

Contact and further information

If you would like to find out more about our services or are interested in any of our packages, please contact us. Our team is happy to answer your questions and help you integrate diversity, equality and inclusion into your organisation.

Register and book now

Ines Hartmann


Director Competence Center for Diversity, Disability and Inclusion CCDI

Nicole Niedermann

Member of the CCDI Management Team & Senior Project Manager
