Advance & HSG Gender Intelligence Report (GIR)

Advance & HSG Gender Intelligence Report (GIR)

The Gender Intelligence Report (GIR) is a collaboration between Advance and the Competence Center for Diversity, Disability & Inclusion (CCDI). The yearly report creates transparency regarding the development of gender diversity in Swiss companies. It provides facts and research findings based on a unique, Swiss cross-industry sample and supports companies with concrete, evidence-based recommendations. Dr Ines Hartmann and her team developed the report. Since its launch in 2017, the GIR has become a highly regarded study delivering impactful data and giving guidance to leaders and experts on how to advance gender equity in Switzerland.

Approach for Analysis

The Advance & HSG Gender Intelligence Report is the only report in Switzerland based on anonymised raw HR data provided by the participating companies yearly. Consistent key performance indicators (KPIs) are calculated using the same formula and the same type of data for all companies. The methodology allows for an objective, transparent comparison of results between companies. 

How to participate 

For companies interested in a detailed performance analysis on such KPIs, the HSG Diversity Benchmarking allows in-depth in-company analysis and cross-company comparison. By signing up for DIVERSITY WORKS and choosing one of the services, you will automatically participate in the Gender Intelligence Report (GIR) and receive your personal Diversity Benchmark.

Sign up HERE and choose your service.

Your benefits

  • Get the benchmark: You receive an ESG relevant Diversity Benchmark,provided through the HSG Diversity Benchmarking and find out how your company is comparing to the industry peers or the full Switzerland sample.

  • Navigate your personal DE&I dashboards: Via the platform DIVERSITY WORKS you will receive a wide range of diversity metrics providing insights into your talent dynamics from an intersectional perspective and allowing you to monitor the impact of your DE&I efforts.

  • Know your DE&I maturity: With this analysis, you can identify your company's areas of excellence and areas for improvement, allowing you to take targeted measures.


What we need from you

Provide your anonymised HR data based on the data requirements described HERE (effort for data collection: approx. 4-8 hours).

Fill in an online survey on implemented DE&I measures in your company (time required: approx. 10 min).


We keep your data confidential

The results of the GIR are published in a consolidated form either for all participating companies or by industry. All data provided that is shared with the CCDI team will be treated confidentially.  Data is uploaded to and stored on a local server at University of St.Gallen.


You can download the flyer here. It contains all the information you need.

Do you have any questions?
If you have any further questions, please contact:

Ines Hartmann


Director Competence Center for Diversity, Disability and Inclusion CCDI

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