Unconscious biases are prejudices that relate to the abilities and skills of different people or groups. They act like lenses that distort our perception. Everyone has them. They serve to make quick judgments about situations, for example to recognise dangers. However, they can also become a trap and must therefore be reflected upon.
In companies and organisations, unconscious biases can have negative consequences. This is especially true when decisions are made about people. For example, when the best person does not get the job because performance and potential assessments are distorted, the best talent is sometimes overlooked and not promoted, your organisation cannot use its full potential. The good climate and culture in the company can also suffer from unconscious prejudices, which can have a negative impact on employee motivation and ultimately on the financial result.
The good news: unconscious biases can be reduced through appropriate training and education measures – this is how the potential in your company can be better utilised.
With our scientifically based and practice-oriented unconscious bias offers, you can raise awareness of the topic among different target groups (management, HR managers, employees) and develop optimisation measures in HR processes.
Lots of practice, just a little theory: our workshops are tailored to your needs. We actively involve the participants, making the workshops highly interactive. Examples of possible unconscious bias workshops include awareness training with a focus on all HR processes or targeted workshops for unconscious biases in the recruitment, assessment or promotion process. We like to work with in-house cases, where the development of solutions is also reflected on with the group afterwards to ensure the best possible transfer into the organisation.
Workshops usually take about 3-4 hours.
In our unconscious bias trainings, we use a lecture to show you current, practice-relevant research results combined with examples of unconscious prejudices in everyday business life. Interactive sequences with active parts and practice-oriented exercises for the participants consolidate what has been said and enable reflection on the topic. We can also set different priorities for the training (e.g. the entire HR process, recruitment, assessment, promotion, as well as the consideration of different diversity dimensions such as: gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, disability, work-life balance, full-time/part-time, etc.).
Training sessions last about 3-4 hours each.
Do you need a keynote or motivational speech on the topic of unconscious bias for your next event or team meeting? Our experienced speakers have years of experience in this area and will be happy to adapt the lecture or webinar to your needs. We would be happy to make you a non-binding offer.
Lectures and webinars last approximately 30-120 minutes each.
Heidi Bodenmann, Dr. oec., Organizational Change Expert, Generali Insurances
Director IIDM-HSG and Director Competence Center for Diversity, Disability and Inclusion CCDI