DE&I Online Sessions and Webinars

Deep Dives with the CCDI - DE&I Online Sessions and Webinars

Welcome to the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Online Sessions and webinars page! Dive deep into DE&I topics in our online sessions. Our aim is to provide a platform for exploring the potential of diversity, equity and inclusion in organisations. Whether you are a leader, a team member or simply interested, here you will find a variety of video resources to help you promote DE&I in your organisation. Our experts bring different perspectives and in-depth expertise to offer practical insights and actionable solutions. We invite you to join our online sessions and discover the power of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Our Upcoming Info-Sessions and Webinars:

From DE&I metrics to targeted action - How the HSG Diversity Benchmarking works
Thursday, 13 February 2025  | 12:15 - 13:00 |  Online / English
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Von DE&I-Kennzahlen zu gezielten Massnahmen - Wie Sie das HSG Diversity Benchmarking nutzen können
Monday, 17 February 2025  | 12:15 - 13:00  |  Online /  German
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Work SMART: A Bottom-Up Approach to Setting Effective DE&I Goals
Thursday, 27 February 2025  | 12:15 - 13:00 |  Online / English
🔗 Meeting-Registrierung - Zoom

From Data to Insight

The webinar series "From Data to Insight" addresses the analysis and interpretation of diversity data to promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) in organisations.

The first webinar provides an overview of the importance of data literacy in the DE&I field and demonstrates how metrics can be interpreted. In the second webinar, the focus is on intersectionality, examining the analysis of data that spans multiple diversity dimensions.

From Data to Insight: Understanding and Interpreting DE&I Metrics

From Data to Insight: Understanding and Interpreting DE&I Metrics

Data-driven decisions are essential in promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In this webinar, we provide background knowledge and practical skills for interpreting metrics and drawing meaningful insights from data.

Using the HSG Diversity Benchmarking as an example, we show how a data-driven approach can help advance your organisation’s initiatives in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

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Bild Webinar From Data to Insight

From Data to Insight: Focus on Intersectionality

From Data to Insight: Focus on Intersectionality

In the second session of this webinar series, we deepen the knowledge introduced in the first webinar, focusing on the importance of intersectionality in analysing diversity data. You will learn how to interpret data that includes multiple diversity dimensions and apply it for strategic decision-making. Through practical case studies, you will see how companies leverage intersectional analysis to foster a diverse workplace culture.

Watch video (in German)

Pay and Opportunity Equality: From Analysis to Implementation

Pay and Opportunity Equality: From Analysis to Implementation

In this webinar, we’ll explore the connection between pay equality and equal opportunities in organisations. You will learn how varying market wages and gender distributions impact analysis and why it’s essential to repeat these analyses regularly. Together, we will examine common issues, such as data preparation challenges or interpretation of results. Finally, we’ll present solutions to help you effectively use analysis outcomes and support your organisation in advancing towards pay equality.

Watch video (in German) 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Switzerland: Status Quo and Pathways to the Future

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Switzerland: Status Quo and Pathways to the Future

In this webinar, Prof Dr Gudrun Sander, an expert in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) with over 30 years of experience, will guide us through the world of DE&I. Which concepts are gaining acceptance? What are the current challenges and what do the best do better? Together, we will explore what the future of DE&I will look like and how organisations can prepare for a more inclusive and diverse future.

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Thriving Together: Turning Tokenism, Saviourism and Colourism into Opportunities for Growth (2023)

We invite you to our new series of DE&I online events. This year we present the series "Thriving together: turning tokenism, saviourism and colourism into opportunities for growth". This time we dive deeper into topics that are often seen but not often discussed: Tokenism, Saviourism and Colourism. Have you ever heard of them? Are you curious if these topics are prevalent in Swiss workplaces? Together we will discuss how a deeper understanding of these topics can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture.

Grafik mit mehreren Spielfiguren, eine davon in roter Farbe, bezieht sich auf das Thema Tokenism und führt zu einer Diskussion über das Vermeiden von Tokenism, verfügbar auf YouTube und LinkedIn

Tokenism -People are more than tokens

Tokenism -People are more than tokens

Organisations that want to increase their diversity or create the outward appearance of diversity can fall into the "token trap". The use of tokens can be intentional or negligent. Regardless of how tokens are used, tokenism is detrimental to the long-term health of the organisation. In this discussion, we focus on tokenism and how you can avoid it.

Speaker: Christian Pierce

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Grafik einer Person, die ein Selfie macht, bezieht sich auf das Thema Saviorism, verfügbar auf YouTube und LinkedIn

Saviourism - change to selfless commitment

Saviourism - change to selfless commitment

Although many people and organisations try to help others, the question is, what is the real intention behind helping others? Is it about helping others altruistically, or is it about improving your own brand? In this talk, we will discuss how the "Savior Complex" causes problems in developing deep DEI initiatives and how to empower groups that need help.

Speaker: Christian Pierce

Watch on LinkedIn | Watch on YouTube


Colorism - Overcoming divisions in the workplace

Colorism - Overcoming divisions in the workplace

Organisations tend to look at race and ethnicity from different angles. However, one topic that is sometimes not discussed among leaders and in ERGs is the impact of colourism. Colourism may be an issue that predates modern racism, but the idea of a pigmentocracy in the workplace is not widely discussed, especially in countries like Switzerland. How can companies mitigate the issues that arise from colourism? Tune in to find out.

Speakers: Christian Pierce and Amira Gadsby

Watch on LinkedIn | Watch on Youtube

Race and Ethnicity Series (2022)

The online sessions go into the depths of a topic and examine it from different perspectives and angles. Christian Pierce takes you on a journey on the topic of "Race and Ethnicity". At the CCDI, he is the expert on issues such as racism and ethnic discrimination.

We are offering three lectures on the topic of "Race & Ethnicity" in Switzerland. Due to the anniversary of the death of George Floyd and the UN expert report on Switzerland, this topic comes at a time of great importance and relevance for organisations. Further information can be found below or click on the link to register for all three lectures.

Protestplakat in der Schweiz mit der Aufschrift 'Silence = Violence', bezieht sich auf eine Diskussion über Rassismus in der Schweiz, verfügbar auf YouTube

Racism in Switzerland - The Reality of the Problem

Racism in Switzerland - The Reality of the Problem

In January 2022, the United Nations Working Group on People of African Descent conducted a ten-day fact-finding visit to Switzerland. The group found that racism and discrimination can be found at almost all levels of the education system and that Switzerland does not recognise its links to colonialism and slavery. In this online session, we discuss why it is necessary to address Switzerland's racist and discriminatory legacy and how this discussion can help Swiss society to better combat intitutional racism.

Speakers: Yvonne Apiyo Brändle-Amolo und Hans Fässler

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Protestplakat vor dem Bundeshaus mit der Aufschrift 'Es isch nid schwarz gäge wiis, es isch zäme gäge Rassismus', thematisiert die Auswirkungen von George Floyds Tod auf Unternehmen, verfügbar auf YouTube

Racism in Switzerland - The Reality of the Problem

Racism in Switzerland - The Reality of the Problem

The year 2022 marks the anniversary of several tragic deaths that were reported internationally. These include Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. The murder of George Floyd in particular sparked international protests and many multinational companies issued statements or set up initiatives to support people of African descent. Looking back over the past few years, have companies made progress with their initiatives and continued to fight racism? What impact have they had and has the environment in Switzerland improved as a result?

Speakers: Jacqueline Tossoukpe and Benjamin Hütteroth

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Protestierende mit Plakaten, die Aufschriften wie 'Racism is a Pandemic' tragen, thematisiert die Bekämpfung von institutionellem Rassismus in der Schweiz und die Rolle von Organisationen dabei.

Racism in Switzerland - The Reality of the Problem

Racism in Switzerland - The Reality of the Problem

More than half of all reported cases of discrimination in Switzerland occur in the workplace. It is therefore important to recognise and eliminate the environment that enables such acts. Dismantling this environment makes organisations fairer, more inclusive and more diverse and ultimately respects the human rights of all employees. What approach is needed and what tools can be used to eliminate this institutional racism?

Speaker: Dominique Day

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